What Are The Forms Of Supplements?


Like medication, supplements come in many shapes and forms. Each will have their different pros and cons, especially when it comes to the efficacy and absorption speed. Various forms of supplements include tablets, capsules, powders, gels, and many more.

In this article, we will discuss the different forms of supplements, and their advantages and disadvantages whenever possible.

Forms of Supplements

1. Tablets

Tablets are the most common form of supplements. This is because they are cheaper to make and they also have a longer shelf life. However, they may be difficult to swallow for some.

Compared to capsules, tablets take more time to be absorbed by the body and may even be excreted in part or in full in some cases.

2. Capsules

Like tablets, capsules are cheaper to make. They also tend to be more easily absorbed by the body and can hide unpleasant tastes.

Capsules also have longer shelf lives, although they cannot be split or cut in portions like tablets.

3. Soft Gels

Soft gels are similar to capsules, although they are hermetically sealed and typically contain oils or other fluids other than powders. The covering is made out of gelatin, which can either be made from animal or plant products.

The method of delivery for soft gels is similar to capsules, but swallowing soft gels are typically easier.

4. Gel Caps

Gel caps are similar to soft gels, although the casing is harder than in soft gel capsules. The method of production and materials used for the casings are very similar, however.

Gel caps are typically smaller in size. Also, they can carry both liquids and powders within them.

5. Powders

Supplements in powder form are also very common, especially when it comes to products such as creatinine or whey protein. Powders are very easily absorbed in the body, and it is almost always mixed with liquids for consumption.

A great thing about supplements in powder form is that you can mix it with your smoothies, with milk, or even with just plain water. These powders also often come in a variety of flavors.

6. Gummies

Supplements in gummies form are meant for those who do not like to swallow their supplements whole. Gummies come in the form of candy and can be chewed. They often have pleasant tastes.

A negative aspect of gummies is that they may contain sugars and other components that are not exactly of any nutritional value. They also tend to have a shorter shelf life especially when not stored properly.

7. Energy Drinks

Energy drinks are readily accessible in any convenience store or supermarket. Energy drinks come in different flavors and are often drunk to provide additional energy during workouts or during strenuous physical activity.

Energy drinks can help replenish electrolytes and can also keep you mentally alert. However, you should take caution as these products may contain caffeine, sugar, as well as other ingredients that may be harmful to the body if taken in excess.

8. Energy Bars

Energy bars can provide you a quick boost in energy in solid form. Marathoners and professional bikers often have these in their packs for fast energy.

Like energy drinks, you should definitely take a close look at the contents of your energy bars as they may contain lots of sugar. Energy bars also often contain lots of carbohydrates so make sure to burn it up through exercise or else they may be converted as fat.


As you can see, supplements can take various forms, and you definitely have several options on how to take your favorite supplements. Regardless of your goal, each can provide the benefit that you desire albeit at varying rates and forms of delivery.

What is more important, however, is that you are getting high-quality supplements. Watch out for fakes that can do more harm than good. Also, do not rely 100% on supplements, nor should you overdo it. As the name implies, supplements can only support proper diet and exercise to attain full potential benefits.

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