What Is Motivation? Importance Of Motivation

What is Motivation?

Motivation is the driving force that compels us to take action, set goals, and work towards achieving them. It is a blend of internal and external stimuli that energizes, directs, and sustains our behavior. In essence, motivation is what gives us a reason to get out of bed in the morning and pursue our dreams and aspirations.

But sometimes, motivation could be intrinsic or extrinsic rather than a blend of the two. When your motivation is intrinsic motivation, it means that it comes from within. It is the kind of motivation that arises when you do something because you find it inherently rewarding or enjoyable. For example, you might be intrinsically motivated to learn to play a musical instrument because you genuinely love music. On the contrary, extrinsic motivation is driven by external rewards or punishments. It arises when, for instance, you do something to earn a paycheck, win a prize, or avoid a penalty.

Why is motivation important?

Many reasons account for why motivation is an essential element in our lives. They can be grouped into the following seven broad areas.

1. Goal Setting and ambition

Motivation is what prompts us to set goals. It gives us a sense of purpose and direction and good impetus to pursue our ambitions. Whether it is a career goal, a fitness goal, career goal, or a personal development goal, motivation is the catalyst that initiates the goal-setting process. Without motivation, we might drift aimlessly, lacking a clear sense of what we want to achieve.

2. Overcoming Challenges

Life is full of obstacles and challenges. Motivation provides the determination and resilience needed to face these challenges head-on. When the going gets tough, it’s motivation that keeps us pushing forward. It reminds us of the rewards and benefits waiting on the other side of our struggles.

3. Productivity

There is a direct link between motivated individuals their tendency to be more productive. This owes to the fact that they have a sense of urgency and purpose that drives them to accomplish tasks and projects efficiently. Without a doubt, motivation can significantly impact the level of productivity be it at work, in school, or in personal endeavors.

4. Personal Growth

Most people work towards achieving personal growth and motivation is at the heart of it. You need self-improvement? You are never going to get it without motivation. It encourages us to learn new skills, acquire knowledge, and develop our talents. Without motivation, the truth is that personal growth might stagnate if you lack motivation, and you may easily miss out on opportunities for self-enhancement.

5. Health and Well-being

Maintaining health and wellness is another area where motivation plays a crucial role. For instance, individuals motivated to lead a healthy lifestyle are more likely to exercise regularly, eat nutritious foods, and manage stress effectively. Picture a situation where you need to shed weight over a period and a plan has been designed for you to that effect. It will be practically impossible to execute the plan in the absence of motivation.

6. Success and Achievement

Personal success and accomplishments are often closely linked to motivation. Let’s say you desire a career in a law firm and hope to become a partner someday. You have to get a degree in law, attend law school, seek employment in a firm, and work hard to rise through the ranks. It is motivation that keeps you focused on these objectives and fuels your determination to reach them.

7. Happiness and Satisfaction

The pursuit of happiness is like moving through a maze and can be frustrating at times. It is never an easy ride. However, a highly-motivated individual is likely to see light at the end of the tunnel. When we’re motivated to pursue our passions and fulfill our aspirations, we tend to experience greater joy and fulfillment.


The importance of motivation cannot be overstated. As explained in this blog, it is the catalyst for goal setting, the strength to overcome obstacles, the key to productivity and personal growth, the driver of health and well-being, the foundation of success and achievement, and a source of happiness and satisfaction. Without motivation, life may lack direction and purpose.

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