What Is Green Apple? How Is It Different From Red Apples?


Apples are sweet and have been known to be edible since time immemorial. The fruits are eaten by both humans and animals for the nutritious value they add to the body. Apples come with a plethora of health benefits. Some of which include; aid in circulation, improve heart health, sharpen the brain, boost the immune system, regulates body weight, curing constipation, preventing cancer, and ensure a healthy liver, among other benefits. Today in this article, we focus on what is green apple and how they differ from their red counterparts.

What Is Green Apple?

Green apple is an apple cultivar that remains green throughout its development from a seedling. It is derived from a few apple varieties that is why it is not as common as the red apple. The green apple varieties available include Granny Smith heirloom apples, Rhode Island Greening, Newtown Pippin, Crispin, Smeralda (Italian Emerald), and Shamrock. These are the most common types available. However, there are a lot of green apple varieties out there, such as;

  • Antonovka green apples from Russia
  • Ananas Reinette originating from the Netherlands
  • The English Egremont Russet
  • Zabergau Reinetter from Germany
  • Duke of Devonshire
  • Aurora apple with a golden green peel
  • Ashmead’s Kernel Apple from England
  • Tolman Sweet Green Apples
  • Pale green Lodi apple

Green apple is considered to lack color because of the absence of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins are pigments in fruits that promote their color, especially red, orange, purple, and blue fruits. Since there appear to lack in some types of apples, the fruits remain green, even when they ripen. This brings us to the question, how are green apples different from red apples?

Green Apples Vs Red Apples

When it comes to the comparison between green and red apples, there is not much to report because they virtually provide similar nutrients. However, green apples are said to contain less sugar and carbs compared to red apples, while packing up more fiber potassium, protein, vitamin K, and iron. This makes green apple a better and healthier variety of the two. Also, green apples contain higher amounts of vitamin A when paired with red apples. On the other hand, red apples are significantly rich in antioxidants, which are less in green apples.

As mentioned, green apples are a bit on the sour side compared to red apples. This is attributed to the fact that the green ones lack anthocyanins. Anthocyanins thrive most in fruits that contain sugars. So, the more sugar content a fruit has, the colorful it is. For this reason, green apples are ideal for weight loss and other health conditions. On weight loss, you need to minimize your sugar intake to promote fast weight loss. Also, since green apples contain more fiber and reduced carbohydrates, losing weight becomes easier.

Without sugar, green apples are the perfect snacks for individuals suffering from diabetes. Being a condition that increases blood sugar in the body, people with diabetes need to consume more foods that help regulate the sugars. Green apples are a better option compared to red apples.

Benefits of Eating Green Apples

When someone mentions apples, green apples are the last thing that comes to mind. This is because many people prefer the red, sweet apples to the sour-tasting green apples. Interestingly, green apples are just as nutritious as those other apples, and even a healthier option among many people. It is just that red apples are more popular than green ones. However, in terms of the nutrient content, the green ones take the lead. Green apples combine both sweet and sour tastes and come packed with a plethora of benefits.

Let’s go through the benefits of eating a green apple in the section below:

Green apples possess plenty of antioxidants, fiber, minerals, vitamins including; Vitamin A and K, and a wide array of important nutrients in the body. All these nutrients benefit the whole body in various ways, hair, skin, and overall health included.

·       Health Benefits

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”, this saying is proven to be true in all sense of the word, and here is why.

1.     Improve liver health

Eating green apples without removing the peels provides the body with sufficient antioxidants. These antioxidants are natural detoxifiers, preventing the liver from developing hepatic conditions. Since the green apples help maintain a healthy liver and digestive system, the intestines remain clean and also eases bowel movement.

2.     Strengthens Joints and Bones

As one grows older, the bones in the body grow weaker. This causes easy fracturing, and when it happens, it takes longer to recover. It is a result of reduced bone density as you grow older. For people susceptible to bone weakening and thinning, including green apples in their diet help strengthen the joints and improve bone health. The anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants in green apples help in strengthening bones in the body.

3.     Help in weight loss

Green apples are rich in fiber and have reduced sugar levels. They also contain many minerals and antioxidants that are responsible for shedding unnecessary fat. In addition, green apples contain vitamin K that aid in smooth blood circulation. The fiber content in green apples increases metabolism while stimulating detoxification. These processes in the body help maintain the optimum weight for a person. And since green apples have a lower fat level, consuming them as a snack proves beneficial to the body, especially when losing weight.

4.     Improve Vision

Given that green apples contain an abundance of vitamin A, they help improve vision. Vitamin A is responsible for strengthening vision. Combine green apples and salad for better results.

5.     Heart health

Eating green apples has been said to improve the health of your heart as it lowers the risks of having cardiovascular conditions. Since green apples are rich in dietary fiber, they lower LDL cholesterol and thus reducing the development of heart conditions.

6.     Minimize the risk of Type 2 Diabetes development

Consuming green apples a few times weekly has been said to minimize the risks of acquiring Type 2 Diabetes. However, more research is still underway to make certain that green apples are good for preventing diabetes. However, what’s clear is that green apples contain compounds that aid in managing the symptoms of diabetes.

7.     Improve Immune system

Seasonal allergies and constant colds are usually signs that the immune system is tampered with. Eating green apples regularly helps to strengthen the immune system. This is because they contain antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that help keep allergies at bay.

8.     Reduces Cancer Risks

Green apples have been found to reduce the development of the cells that cause cancer in the body. As such, green apples help prevent breast, skin, and lung cancer.

·       Skin Benefits

If you are looking to enhance your skin, look no further than with green apples. Green apples contain an abundance of vitamins A, B, and C, which work to protect the skin from the harmful free radicals effects. This ensures your skin doesn’t break. What’s more, green apple aids in providing the perfect skin glow. Therefore, including green apples in your daily diet helps a great deal in keeping your skin healthy and smooth.

Most skincare products have green apple juice as part of the ingredients. This helps in keeping the skin hydrated and moisturized, enhancing the skin from inside. The apples also aid in fighting wrinkles and dark circles for better skin.

·       Hair Benefits

Green apples are good for enhancing hair growth and minimizing breakage and falling. The apples make the scalp strong and healthy and also free it from dandruff. Eating green apples helps improve overall hair health, ensuring long and glossy hair.

Green apples may seem uncommon but have so many benefits in the body. Many people are now looking up these benefits, and most have proven them to be true. Including the green apples in your diet will indeed keep the doctor away.


After all is said and done, you shouldn’t forget the saying, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Generally, apples are ideal for providing fiber for the heart, liver, gut, hormones, and improves overall heart health. Apples also come packed with essential vitamins and minerals that are needed to lead a healthy lifestyle. Given the benefits that apples possess, they are consumed in all parts of the world. And since they are not cultivated in many countries, they require frequent preservation to increase their shelf life to transport to various destinations. Make sure to give your apples a thorough wash before eating.


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