What Is Marketing? What Are The Types Of Marketing?

What Is Marketing?

Marketing is the process of promoting to a wider audience, primarily for selling goods or services. It can also refer to the promotion of a particular brand or cause, often with the purpose of a call to action for the audience to buy or perform other acts that would benefit your organization.

There are several types of marketing, most of which will be discussed briefly here.

What are the Types of Marketing?

1. Content Marketing

Content marketing focuses mostly on using social media to reach out to users. This primarily utilizes media such as videos, gifs, or texts that can be shared across different platforms.

2. Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing pertains to the use of social media like Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, and the like to not only increase sales but to engage with potential customers as well as to drive traffic towards a page such as your company site or online shop.

3. Email Marketing

Email marketing utilizes a mailing list of sorts where in the marketing provides content directly to emails. This can be in the form of solicited, or emails that you have signed up for, or unsolicited content the latter of which may be considered as spam.

4. Direct Marketing

Direct marketing is simply marketing where there is no middle man. This means the business is communicating directly with the client. Email marketing and social media marketing often fall directly under this umbrella.

5. Advertising

Advertising are different types of media that you can see in spaces. In the physical world, you can advertise on benches, buses, and any other material. You can even advertise during commercial breaks.

On the Internet, advertising often comes in the form of Google ads and other strategies to show your content sandwiched between other types of content.

6. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing pertains to any type of marketing that is displayed over the Internet. This is optimized for computers, mobile phones, or tablets. Digital marketing is one of the most powerful marketing tools that you can use today due to the immense market that it currently has.

7. Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing, or SEM, simply means purchasing space for your site so that they would be displayed mor prominently in search engines.

8. Relationship Marketing

Relationship marketing focuses on customer loyalty and retention through “gimmicks” such as loyalty programs, promotions, surveys, and other similar campaigns.

9. Mobile Marketing

Mobile marketing is marketing that focuses on content driven through mobile devices such as phones and tablets. This can come in different formats but is geared mostly towards smaller screens.

10. Business Marketing

Business marketing is used to increase sales by focusing efforts towards selling towards another business rather than to end users. As such, strategies and tone may not be similar when dealing with a business rather than a direct customer.

11. Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is the same as online marketing. It simply means using the Internet to provide content with the aim of boosting traffic, getting leads, and improving sales and marketing KPIs.

12. Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is the production of exceptional or promotional content that calls the audience to spread the content through their own networks, primarily through their own social media pages. Some viral marketing campaigns may even be picked up by the media.

13. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is the collaboration between a business and an influencer so that “fed” content and information can be spread through said influencer’s large number of followers.

14. Brand Marketing

Brand marketing has the purpose of improving a brand’s recognition to the public as well as its relationship to the public as well as its reputation. Here, there is less focus on the product itself but more on the company or product as a whole

15. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing allows third-party entities such as vloggers or site owners to sell their products or direct customers to their site, for which they will be paid a small commission for each click or successful sale.

16. Partner Marketing

Partner marketing is the combined effort of two companies to market one or both parties’ products and services, such as for a crossover promotion or limited-offer product collaboration.

17. Product Marketing

Product marketing is the process of focusing marketing efforts towards making a product more known, recognized, and desirable to the public.

18. Event Marketing

Event marketing is organizing either a face to face or virtual event to promote a company or product. Most likely, this has conventional or social media coverage to expand reach outside of the attendees.

19. Public Relations Marketing

Public relations marketing regularly involves paying a media company or site for a positive write-up or review about your company or brand, similar to influencer marketing but on a more formal scale.

20. Print Marketing

Print marketing is basically using print materials to spread information about your brand. Examples of this include billboards, magazine ads, brochures, flyers, and the like.


As you can see, there are several types of marketing, but they all serve one purpose to reach their market. Only through this method can you improve brand recognition, increase sales, and get more and better user engagement.

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