What Is Snackable Content? Importance Of Snackable Content

If you find yourself moving on from a long wall of text after a few seconds of reading through it, you are not alone. Studies have shown that people have shorter attention spans than ever before, and this is because of the continuous distractions of the modern digital era.

Of course, you would still need to adapt your social media strategies to still leave an impact and be retained in the minds of your intended audience. But how can you do that before your market scrolls past your content without a second glance?

What is Snackable Content?

As the name implies, snackable content is a form of content that is short, easy to understand, and easy to remember. It utilizes different forms of media to get the thought across in the fastest way possible to take advantage of that very short user attention span.

Importance of Snackable Content

1. Grabs Attention: Compared to the typical paragraph-style content that often has an introduction before going into the meat of the information, snackable content gives your audience the gist of your message front and center. This means that you have a bigger opportunity to hook in your market much faster than those still using traditional means.

If you are able to grab the user’s attention within the first few seconds of them seeing your content, then that is definitely a win and they would want to see more of what you have to say.

2. Can be shared easily: Snackable content is often not only informative or educational, but it can also be entertaining and even humorous. Being able to have your content in this sweet spot can help increase the chance of your post being shared among friends.

Studies have shown that short form content are more likely to be shared than content that are several minutes long or takes a long time to read. Take a look at the analytics between Tiktok (short form) and Youtube (long form) as you would often see more likes, comments, and shares to the usual Tiktok video versus the usual Youtube video.

3. Optimized for Mobile: As more people consume content through phones and other portable devices than through actual computers, content managers tend to create material that are more fit to be seen in smaller screens. Arranging your snackable content to better fit the smaller screen is more ideal at this day and age.

For smaller screens like phones, infographics or less than a hundred words of text work best. It’s also pretty easy to share and engage, especially when it comes to social media, when your market can do it via their mobile devices.

4. Increased Engagement Rates: As previously mentioned, snackable content is easy to share. Have you experienced the old days when you are “forced” to read paragraph after paragraph of text from an unsolicited email, or when your page is filled with content that you don’t even bother to read and scroll right through?

Snackable content also means that your message is short and sweet, which means that your audience requires a much shorter time to reflect and react. This means that they can decide to like or comment (and even share) at a much shorter rate than compared to having to watch a 20-minute video or a novel-length script.

5. Ideal for Busy Viewers: Research says that the average person’s attention span is at 8 seconds and change. The challenge and beauty of snackable content is that, if you can get your message across in that span of time, then you are able to get your audience’s attention and have better recall about your message or your brand.

With the speed by which people now scroll through their phones, having them stop to take a look and really see your content is a definite edge over the competition.

6. Flexibility across platforms

Snackable content has the advantage of being easily shared across platforms. You can easily convert your content into photos or videos as needed. This means that you can provide the same content across any of your social media accounts and you can reach even more people as these types of bite-sized content are pretty much compatible with almost any platform.


Snackable content is now the ongoing trend when it comes to social media marketing. Being able to send out your message in this day and age is going to be an advantage. As such, it is pretty important to drive towards this these types of content for better engagement, enhanced visibility, and improved recognition and retention in this very fast-paced and content hungry world.

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